Excellence in Business Communication, 11th Edition
Chapter 10. Writing Persuasive Messages
" University of Illinois study found that people who earn the most (more than $10 million annually) are only a smidge happier than the average Joes and Janes who work for them.
"Many of us dream of being magically persuasive, to be able to enlist our co-worker to help us, our team member to support us, and our partner to listen to us," says Lolly Daskal of Inc.
"College can be an overwhelming and intimidating experience for even the best student.
"Today’s students and career-changers have access to more career planning information than ever before.
Check out these examples of e-portfolios presented by Auburn University.
From brief reviews to online videos, see how content from consumers is reshaping contemporary marketing.
The Data-Driven Marketing Institute is a strong advocate for database marketing techniques.
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Why not make a career of it?
Chain Store Age tracks the latest ideas in retailing formats.
Follow Trendwatching.
The Mobile Marketing Association, whose members include many of the biggest consumer brands in the world, is helping refine the art and science of marketing to today’s mobile buyers.
The nonprofit organization Catalyst conducts extensive research around the world to identify and understand opportunities to improve gender inclusivity in business management.
The National Business Incubation Association has information about incubators and links to one in your area.
B Lab is a nonprofit organization that helped develop the benefit corporation model and offers B Corp certification to companies that emphasize social and environmental values in their operations.
Impact Hub is a global community of local “hubs” that nurture social entrepreneurs.
Case 14.
One Page Love has a large gallery of one-page webs designs.
Get everything you need to know from the Mobile Marketing Association.
The material associated with this item is no longer available, but we invite you to read Jason Nazar's article in Forbes on the same topic, "The 21 Principles of Persuasion.
From Franchising.
Click below to visit the website for the Telework Coalition.
Read the details at the Boston Consulting Group's website.