Excellence in Business Communication, 11th Edition
Chapter 10. Writing Persuasive Messages
"Can we break bad habits by being more curious about them?
"This animated video describes the six universal Principles of Persuasion that have been scientifically proven to make you most effective as reported in Dr.
Follow these tips for more successful searches.
Use these ideas for some of the most common public speaking scenarios.
The Emergent website at Columbia University tracks and evaluates rumors spreading online.
The Emergent website at Columbia University tracks and evaluates rumors spreading online.
Follow these tips to get the most from LinkedIn, including the most appropriate and effective ways to ask for recommendations.
Follow these tips to get the most from LinkedIn, including the most appropriate and effective ways to ask for recommendations.
ClickSoftware’s blog discusses a range of topics on mobile business communication.
This resource is no longer available.
Explore 10 blogs from such major brands as Coca-Cola and Disney.
This guide from the Writing Center at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, offers advice on editing and proofreading, and a chance to find errors strategically embedded in the advice itself.
This guide from the Writing Center at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, offers advice on editing and proofreading, and a chance to find errors strategically embedded in the advice itself.
The Human Rights Campaign assesses corporate policies and practices regarding equal rights and opportunities for LGBT employees.
"Pre-suasion and Influence author Robert Cialdini [photo, left] came by Business Insider to talk about using the tactics of "pre-suasion" to help your career.
"The thought of speaking up when you weren't expecting to contribute to the conversation is terrifying," declares Stacey Gawronski (photo, left).
"Maybe you’ve scored that prized interview you’ve been after for some time, or maybe your CEO chose you to deliver a presentation, or maybe you have a big networking event—whatever the case, you’re obviously excited, but you’re also really nervous.
"People need to be inspired, and they will only feel inspired if their leader is positively disposed — and joyful.
"No approach or technique can guarantee persuasion success, but there are ways to determine if you are, indeed, made to persuade," writes Mark Rodgers (photo, left) at his blog - PersuasionMatters.
"The Happiness Equation author and 1000 Awesome Things creator Neil Pasricha [photo, left] came by to talk about criticism.
Drake Baer reports.
"Tal Ben-Shahar [photo, left] taught the most popular class at Harvard University — and it was all about happiness.
"So here's what I want you to do: Challenge yourself to learn something new every day.
Excerpted from the book Netiquette by Virginia Shea.
"A lot of career advice is built around slogans like “follow your heart” or “follow your passion.