Business in Action, 7th Ed.
Appendix B: Risk Management
"Not long ago I worked with an energetic, creative group who, while focusing on presentation skills, wondered how to best engage their audiences.
Alyse Kalish (photo, left) has some good advice.
"There are no set rules for navigating what's replaced the traditional career ladder.
From the folks at Strategic Communications.
"As a customer, you have more options than ever when you want to contact a company.
"For companies interested in building work cultures that support all personality types, there are a few simple steps you can take before deciding where that new couch should go or how many cubicles to disassemble and carry to the curb.
"When leaders get "stuck in the weeds" and deliver an excess of data and details the listeners tune out and the message gets lost.
Dan Rockwell weighs in.
"The group that embraces both technology and traditional methods will find themselves further ahead in their business development as there will be a greater focus on developing Emotional Intelligence (EQ) in the face of impersonal forms of communication that are merely transactional.
Warren Tomlin, IBM Vice President and Partner, reports in this piece at MobileBusinessInsights.
"Workers who "telecommute" appear to have a lot more job satisfaction than folks who report to an office every day.
"Here are 10 charts that show some of the profound effects the iPhone-led — and Google Android-fueled — mobile boom have caused over the past decade.
"Peak performance and discomfort go hand in hand.
"So, this article is for those that simply want basic, common sense, healthy, usable techniques.
"A few weeks ago, I was trying out an online resume builder, Visual CV, on behalf of a recruiter friend of mine.
"It goes without saying that my new book, Reply All…And Other Ways to Tank Your Career was inspired by email faux pas.
"How much does the pace of speech matter in diplomatic speaking?
"When it comes to emails, I tend to be pretty wordy," admits Kat Boogaard (photo, left) in a piece at TheMuse.
"Now, as much as I hate to see people bicker like elementary schoolers on the playground, I realize that fighting on Facebook is inevitable for some.
"One of the most frequent questions I’m asked is whether it’s acceptable to end a sentence with a preposition," begins Mignon Fogarty (photo, left) in a piece at her blog - QuickandDirtyTips.
"The truth is, brain freeze can happen to anyone.
"If other workers are able to have a flexible schedule or work from home, maybe you can do! Whether your company offers the option to work from home or not, it never hurts to ask your boss for a more flexible schedule.
"Although the term may still conjure up sci-fi images of robots gone rogue, AI, as it is often called for short, is actually far less terrifying.
"We all have to negotiate in life, whether it’s asking for a bigger raise, nailing down details of a contract or even getting your kids to do their homework.