Business in Action, 7th Ed.
Appendix B: Risk Management
"If you’ve ever struggled to make sense of an information firehose, perhaps a 3-D printed model could help.
"Looking for a job where you can challenge yourself and stretch your creative muscles?
Abby Jackson (photo, left) has the list at BusinessInsider.
According to Liz Ryan, "Your goal is to stand out, not blend into the wallpaper.
"Like any good businessperson, you are conditioned to network.
"When a message is miscommunicated in business it often comes with a price tag, which may be high or low.
"People often say that you can’t use social media to actually land a job, which is just false.
"Whether you’re the President of the United States making an address to the nation or a business manager writing an announcement to his employees, when you have news to deliver there’s one key choice at the outset: should you state the decision first and then explain the reasoning or build up to your decision, making the case as you go along?
"More than a century ago, the department store magnate John Wanamaker famously complained about his inability to gauge the effectiveness of the money he spent on advertising.
"Here's how you will handle the mandatory "salary" field on an online job application.
"Titles like “SHE-EO” and momtrepreneur are meant to empower women but actually do more harm than good.
"Here’s the point.
"Thanks to advances in neuroscience, brain scans, and data-driven studies, we've learned more about persuasion in the past decade than we had ever known previously.
"The other day I received a call from the office manager of a company looking for help with workplace drama and conflict.
"There are plenty of frustrations that crop up during your workday.
"In this article, you will learn everything about the left brain vs.
"Coaching employees to improve performance can be tricky.
"It's easier to be an annoying conversationalist than it is to be a skilled one," says Shana Lebowitz (photo, left).
"The small talk you make with your interviewer can be tricky to get right," writes Rachel Gillett (photo, left) in a piece at BusinessInsider.
Richard Feloni (photo, left) reports on the thoughts of Keith Ferrazzi, creator of the career guide - Never Eat Alone.
"Grammar rules can seem like a nuisance.
"The most popular question I’ve gotten over the last 12 months is around what tools do I use to build my personal brand.
"Pamela Meyer, the author of Liespotting: Proven Techniques to Detect Deception, gave one of the most popular TED talks ever recorded back in 2011," reports Ariel Schwartz in an article at BusinessInsider.
Ashley McCann has the list.
"Visual literacy has everything to do with learning and understanding a given message.