Excellence in Business Communication, 11th Edition
Chapter 10. Writing Persuasive Messages
"Nowhere is technological advancement more evident than in communications.
Michele Knight reports at Dataversity.
Read the NYTimes.
"So, what are some of the trends taking place today that are used to improve communication at work?
"Consider the concept of “Genchi Genbutsu,” a cornerstone of the Toyota Production System.
John Brandon (photo, left) of Inc.
"Nowadays, monotasking feels impossible.
According to Travis Bradberry (photo, left), "Self-awareness is a critical skill in the workplace.
"What leader wouldn't want a team filled with these high-performing folks?
"The world is full of well-meaning people, and unfortunately, terrible advice.
"With excellent perks, great pay and benefits, and high job satisfaction, employees at the 50 best companies to work for in America seem to have a good thing going," says Rachel Gillett (photo, left).
"National Punctuation Day is celebrated every year in the US on September 24," declares Lucy Yang (photo, left).
Winston Hendrickson (photo, left), Vice-President of Products, Digital Imaging at Adobe reports.
"I like to ask questions and listen.
Check out the infographic at ELearningInfographics.
"In an email from Musk to Tesla employees published by Inc's Justin Bariso, Musk encourages employees to buck the traditional chain of command found in most companies, in which messages always flow through managers.
"Being a new entrepreneur is stressful, and that stress is compounded when you start realizing just how little time there is in a day.
Stephanie Vozza (photo, left) reports on the topic at FastCompany.
"Unsurprisingly, research shows that when employees perceive their workplace as more political, they are less engaged, less productive, and more likely to quit.
Kat Boogaard (photo, left) reports on the topic at TheMuse.
"Learn to communicate your needs with more firmness and less fear.
"Last year, Richard Laermer decided to let his employees work from home on a regular basis.
According to Marcel Schwantes (photo, left), "Instead of asking the casual, basic stuff we're all tired of answering, hit 'em up with these great conversational questions, beginning with my number one most favorite question.