Business Communication Essentials, 7th Ed.
Chapter 14. Applying and Interviewing for Employment
"Dave Isay [photo, left] opened the first StoryCorps booth in New York’s Grand Central Terminal in 2003 with the intention of creating a quiet place where a person could honor someone who mattered to them by listening to their story.
"In our louder and louder world, says sound expert Julian Treasure, "We are losing our listening.
"One could argue that slang words like ‘hangry,’ ‘defriend’ and ‘adorkable’ fill crucial meaning gaps in the English language, even if they don't appear in the dictionary.
"In this soaring demonstration, deaf percussionist Evelyn Glennie illustrates how listening to music involves much more than simply letting sound waves hit your eardrums.
"In an exclusive preview of his book The Stuff of Thought, Steven Pinker looks at language and how it expresses what goes on in our minds -- and how the words we choose communicate much more than we realize.
"Why are weaknesses and fatal flaws so hard for us to spot in ourselves?
"As a research scientist at Google, Margaret Mitchell helps develop computers that can communicate about what they see and understand.
"Don't let the emotional roller coaster slow your search.
According to Liz Ryan (photo, left), "One of the biggest job-search mistakes you can make is to play it safe.
"When you’ve been in the workforce for a long time, the idea of starting from Square One by going through the hiring process again can be daunting.
"Amazon Go is being called the grocery store of the future, where lines and cashiers don't exist.
"In Strategic Communication class, 4 MBA students share information and techniques on gender related communication barriers.
"This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences.
Watch the YouTube video by Diane DiResta.
The Avoidable Mistake That Can Kill Your Chances in an Interview Even Before You Say Your First Word
Alyse Kalish (photo, left) has the warning.
"We've heard a lot of rhetoric lately suggesting that countries like the US are losing valuable manufacturing jobs to lower-cost markets like China, Mexico and Vietnam -- and that protectionism is the best way forward.
"If you're wondering how much to ask for in a salary negotiation without leaving a bad taste in the employer's mouth or losing the job offer, you're not alone," says Jacquelyn Smith (photo, left) in a piece at BusinessInsider.
"Psychologist Susan David [photo, left] shares how the way we deal with our emotions shapes everything that matters: our actions, careers, relationships, health and happiness.
"How smart can our machines make us?
Follow these simple tips to get the most from your next brainstorming session.
Free writing can be a great way to come up with material for a writing project and to get more comfortable with the process of writing.
Etiquette expert Barbara Pachter offers tips to help you get comfortable at business lunches and dinners.
"Here's how to hit it out of the park without any work experience or internships.
"There's no single formula for a great talk, but there is a secret ingredient that all the best ones have in common.
"You've got a smartwatch on your wrist, Siri in your palm, and emails notifications popping up on your computer screen all day long.