Excellence in Business Communication, 11th Edition
Chapter 10. Writing Persuasive Messages
Steve Blank (photo, left) discusses his No Excuses Culture.
Take a look at the infographic.
"Everyone is in favor of high self-esteem — but cultivating it can be surprisingly tough.
"The graphic shows that the most popular fonts of last year were Helvetica, Arial, and Georgia, but that doesn't mean brands can't also have some fun with their typography.
"Need to land on a decision that works for everyone?
"What negotiators don’t do, but should, says [Douglas] Stone [photo, left], is mentally prepare by reviewing five fundamental elements of a negotiation.
Curtis Newbold presents an infographic on the topic.
"Presenting information to a crowd is an art form.
"An infographic by film editing simplifiers Filmora lists nine trends to keep an eye on in the coming year.
Check out the infographic on the topic.
"How much does the pace of speech matter in diplomatic speaking?
"AI technologies today range from simple to extraordinarily complicated.
"Law firm Cooney & Conway created a helpful infographic highlighting obscure laws from 11 countries which could land you in hot water if you break them.
"From tidying your space to reading the news, there are a variety of ways to prep for the day.
Read the NYTimes.
Check out the infographic at ELearningInfographics.
"The scale of the internet is so great, that it doesn’t make sense to look at the information on a monthly basis, or even to use daily figures," writes Jeff Desjardins for the World Economic Forum.
"We all know that being seen as confident, but not cocky, at work can have a positive effect on our careers.
"Ameen Haque, Founder of Storywallahs, is a storyteller, story coach and consultant.
"Carmine Gallo shares the three simple secrets all inspiring messages share, and how inspiring executives and entrepreneurs tell their brand or product story in a way that's understandable, memorable and emotional.
"Thanks to advances in neuroscience, brain scans, and data-driven studies, we've learned more about persuasion in the past decade than we had ever known previously.
"In this article, you will learn everything about the left brain vs.
Laura Forer reports over at MarketingProf.