Excellence in Business Communication, 10th Edition
Chapter 8. Writing Routine and Positive Messages
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Get insights and inspiration from Forbes Under 30 Summit presenters.
Follow these steps distilled from Duarte’s decades of experience crafting presentations for major corporations.
This video presentation by Professor Patricia Jenkinson describes the process of perception and helps explain why we each perceive the world in a unique way.
Learn tips and tricks that will make your Google searches better and faster.
Stephanie Scotti, in this part 2 of 2 posts at SmartBlogs.
"Beyond the prerequisite of merely getting the audience to listen, your voice also projects an image about you that can enhance your credibility and persuasiveness — or not.
"Researchers recorded participants' conversations and measured the movements of their bodies, limbs and heads.
"The funny video below digs into that very idea—and while it’ll make you laugh, it should probably also make you think about your typical email tone.
Video at HBR.
"These 25 examples of gamification in business run the gamut for potential uses, but brands are coming up with innovative ways to incorporate game-like features into ordinary activities every day.
Geoff Colvin reports at Fortune.
In this Harvard Business Review video, "Marco Iansiti and Karim R.
Jessica Silver-Greenberg and Michael Corkery report at NYTimes.
Alan Murray, Editor of Fortune, reports.
"Most people have no idea how their paychecks compare to the market average.
"Clive Schlee, CEO of Pret a Manger, keeps team members engaged by publicly thanking them at an annual dinner.
Check out this video on the topic presented by Julia Kirby, Harvard Business Review editor-at-large.
"Wharton marketing professor Michael Platt wants to get inside your head.
"Raymond Sheen, president of Product and Process Innovation, Inc.
"John Beshears and Francesca Gino of Harvard Business School offer a five-step process for mitigating the effects of cognitive biases and low motivation on decision making.
Daniel Goleman explains.
"TED Talks are fun and interesting.