Excellence in Business Communication, 10th Edition
Chapter 8. Writing Routine and Positive Messages
"The businesses that are best loved by customers tend to be ones that make them feel smart, competent, in control.
"Many artificial intelligence researchers expect AI to outsmart humans at all tasks and jobs within decades, enabling a future where we're restricted only by the laws of physics, not the limits of our intelligence.
"As a research scientist at Google, Margaret Mitchell helps develop computers that can communicate about what they see and understand.
"Thinking too much isn't just a nuisance.
"Niceness wasn’t part of the equation.
"Here's how to grow your influence, boost your impression and make a powerful impact.
"What’s your point of view?
Stefano Tasselli [photo, left], Martin Kilduff, and Blaine Landis provide the answers at HBR.
"Digital creator Dylan Marron has racked up millions of views for projects like "Every Single Word" and "Sitting in Bathrooms With Trans People" -- but he's found that the flip side of success online is internet hate.
"How we perceive ourselves, and the internal stories we tell about who we are, will indeed shape our experiences," writes Kathy Caprino (photo, left) in a piece at Forbes.
"In this clip Mark Powell provides best practice tips for opening and closing presentations.
"It’s a tough question.
"We get stronger, not weaker, by engaging with ideas and people we disagree with, says Zachary R.
"Meet a new leader in Introduction to Business: Business in Action.
"Are you a giver or a taker?
According to John Baldoni (photo, left), "A leader’s legacy is a sum of pluses and minuses.
"We already live among robots: tools and machines like dishwashers and thermostats so integrated into our lives that we'd never think to call them that.
Here's a quick read on the topic by the nice people at Farnam Street.
"Learn tips and techniques from amateur turned professional filmmakers.
"We'll go to the doctor when we feel flu-ish or a nagging pain.
"YouTube Video Production and Video Editing Tips for Business, Social Media Marketing World 2017: YouTube Video Production from Idea to Execution.
"Predictable Success author Les McKeown [photo, left] understands why some business founders find the “startup mentality” so appealing.