Excellence in Business Communication, 11th Edition
Chapter 10. Writing Persuasive Messages
The career expert Alison Doyle offers advice and message templates to help you handle these uncomfortable messages.
"Diversity is among the most critical issues and opportunities we face today.
"Jesse Rieser's memories of growing up in Springfield, Missouri in the 1990s unfold against a familiar retail backdrop: storming the aisles of Toys R Us with his brother; meeting friends at the mall to flirt with girls and play videogames; hunting new bands in the CD racks of Best Buy," writes Laura Mellonee in a piece at Wired.
"The Zeigarnik effect can do something stunning when we scatter our attention and let our mind wander.
"No matter how much we try to work with others and get along, the time comes when we can’t agree.
"Many of us have had to battle the specter of arrogance at one time or another.
Alice Boyes lays out the problem and the solution in an article at The Harvard Business Review blog.
"Let's face it - almost everyone has irrelevant jobs on their work history.
"Businesses can only operate as effectively as they can communicate.
"Most of us begin our careers working through the ranks of people executing tasks -- early success comes from correctly completing work while focusing on quality, time and budget.
"Are job seekers who are currently employed more desirable candidates?
"Give your future self a break.
"It's not where you worked, It's what you can do.
"Personality type tests are hugely popular, though if you ask working psychologists, they’ll tell you the results are little better than astrological signs.
"Here are the top 9 visual communication mistakes that make you look stupid in your presentation .
"Be genuine.
"Maybe someone told you that you need to be more succinct when you speak.
"As Cathy Benko and Molly Anderson predicted in their 2010 book, we’ve gone from a corporate ladder to a Corporate Lattice, in which professionals’ career progress may only sometimes be linear — and often, may instead appear diagonal or horizontal.
"While hiring managers hate all resume lies, a recent survey finds some lies are worse than others.
When its Twitter chatbot Tay got hijacked and had to be taken down, Microsoft issued an apology that got every note right.
"You may wonder if anyone will even notice if you don't demonstrate professional behavior at work.
"The company's new head of AI and personalized learning sees an opportunity to create enhanced ways of evaluating students' work.
"The company's new head of AI and personalized learning sees an opportunity to create enhanced ways of evaluating students' work.
"All-time great slugger practiced speech at least once a day for months leading up to ceremony.