Excellence in Business Communication, 11th Edition
Chapter 10. Writing Persuasive Messages
"One of the most frequent questions I’m asked is whether it’s acceptable to end a sentence with a preposition," begins Mignon Fogarty (photo, left) in a piece at her blog - QuickandDirtyTips.
"The truth is, brain freeze can happen to anyone.
"If other workers are able to have a flexible schedule or work from home, maybe you can do! Whether your company offers the option to work from home or not, it never hurts to ask your boss for a more flexible schedule.
"Although the term may still conjure up sci-fi images of robots gone rogue, AI, as it is often called for short, is actually far less terrifying.
"We all have to negotiate in life, whether it’s asking for a bigger raise, nailing down details of a contract or even getting your kids to do their homework.
"Five new myths and realities illustrate how the potential of zero-based budgeting has grown.
"From our own online magazine by Bovee &Thill, authors of the leading textbooks in business communication, featuring resources for business communication and business writing instructors.
"A popular school of thought, dramatized in the [the] TV drama Lie to Me, is that a careful study of facial expressions—especially eye movements—tells investigators if a perp is dissembling.
"You’ve done it.
"Here are some of those oddball questions.
"Here are some of those oddball questions.
"This is a preview of a research report from BI Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service.
"What do you do when you feel bullied by the audience?
"Formal manners and titles aren't elitist.
"Busy and productive are not the same thing.
"AI technologies today range from simple to extraordinarily complicated.
"Trusting others doesn’t mean that you abdicate your responsibility as a leader.
"You don't have to let anyone block your sunlight! To maintain the spotlight here are six tips: .
Mignon Fogarty (photo, left) explains.
"Some employers think what they’re doing a clever “pre-assessment” of job applicants, laying the burden on you while avoiding putting their own skin in the game, explains Ask the Headhunter columnist Nick Corcodilos.
"Some employers think what they’re doing a clever “pre-assessment” of job applicants, laying the burden on you while avoiding putting their own skin in the game, explains Ask the Headhunter columnist Nick Corcodilos.
"As technological planets align, artificial intelligence flourishes.
"In reality, markets are complicated and it is not easy to make the right investment decisions all of the time.
"Wharton's Peter Cappelli discusses IBM's decision to rethink its remote work policy for some employees.