Business Communication Essentials, 7th Ed.
Chapter 14. Applying and Interviewing for Employment
"Most people show at least three.
"3 tips for breaking the ice.
"4 tips for getting your colleagues' attention.
"Nobody wants to wait days, or sometimes even weeks, to find out if the hiring manager was impressed by them in the interview.
"The ability to manage your emotions and remain calm under pressure has a direct link to your performance.
"Most job applicants work hard to make a great first impression during their initial interview.
"According to the American Psychological Association (APA), millennials experience more stress and are less able to manage it than any other generation.
"Follow these tips to approach resumes like a psychologist, so you don't sell yourself short.
"Imagine a workplace where people of all colors and races are able to climb every rung of the corporate ladder -- and where the lessons we learn about diversity at work actually transform the things we do, think and say outside the office.
"In her winning speech, [Ramona] Smith used a body-language technique she learned from a previous speaking champion: keeping her palms facing out toward the audience.
"Practicing "active listening" is a good way to improve your listening skills.
"Practicing "active listening" is a good way to improve your listening skills.
MIT career advisor Lily Zhang handpicked these talks for the insights they can give all job hunters.
In this talk at Google, Gina Barnett shares some essentials of using your body as an effective speaking instrument.
Nancy Duarte advises starting with the simplest tool imaginable, the humble sticky note.
"Do you procrastinate?
"As soon as something goes wrong in our lives, we as humans tend to fall into negative thinking patterns.
Watch this tutorial to see how to create effective Prezi presentations.
"In this video, I talk about what helped me speak with an American accent and how I became fluent in English.
Professor Bob Bontempo explains how persuading and negotiating are complementary but distinctly different skill sets.
"When the pressure is on, why do we sometimes fail to live up to our potential?
Everyone can be creative.
"It's not where you worked, It's what you can do.
"Most of the time finding a new job is about who you know and your networking strategies.