Excellence in Business Communication, 10th Edition
Chapter 8. Writing Routine and Positive Messages
"I used to see introductions as uniformly positive and just think that it was always exciting when new people got to connect," Wharton professor Adam Grant tells talkshow host Jordan Harbinger on an episode of the lifestyle podcast "The Art of Charm.
"Everyone wants to stand out in job interviews — but it should be for the right reasons.
Dianne Hofner Saphiere covers a study by Dr.
Jeff Dunn (photo, left), reports on a Twitter request for the best Web 2.
"Here's the complete guide from LinkedIn to having an all-star profile: .
"There is nothing more exciting or nerve-wracking than hearing you’ve been invited for an interview.
Make sure you don’t commit these nine costly blunders.
Follow these three key pieces of advice if you have been or were out of work for a period of time.
Read how to build your confidence and stay in the moment.
Presented by Gus Lubin (photo, left).
Drake Baer writes, "Over the past century science has made lots of advances into understanding the many social meanings of body language.
"Are your visuals driving social media traffic?
The material associated with this item is no longer available, but we invite you to read Jason Nazar's article in Forbes on the same topic, "The 21 Principles of Persuasion.
Katie Wagner highlights immediacy, access, connection, and research.
"Knowledge seldom takes the place of experience.
Lee Odden (photo, left) covers the topic.
"We need new rules on when you should text, when you should call, when you should email," writes Nicholas Carlson (photo, left).
"We sabotage ourselves by underestimating the desire of our customers and potential customers to connect with our businesses online," says Katie Wagner (photo, left).
The original video is no longer available, but this article provides helpful tips for proofing anything from school assignments to business reports.
The Writer's Center at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, features an article on the topic of writing clean, concise sentences.
"We asked career, email, and marketing experts to offer their best tips for crafting the perfect email subject line.
"Asking for help is never easy, but in our careers, we all need it from time to time.
The willingness to take risks is a key habit; see what the other six are.
The willingness to take risks is a key habit; see what the other six are.