Excellence in Business Communication, 10th Edition
Chapter 8. Writing Routine and Positive Messages
Andrew Donnelly has some tips at Mikogo.
"According to a survey by CareerBuilder, some of the most common lies on resumes are: .
Olga Khazan (photo, left), of The Atlantic, covers the topic of "vocal fry.
"There is nothing more exciting or nerve-wracking than hearing you’ve been invited for an interview.
Make sure you don’t commit these nine costly blunders.
Follow these three key pieces of advice if you have been or were out of work for a period of time.
Read how to build your confidence and stay in the moment.
Here is a piece on new data-visualizations at Economist.
"If you love infographics, you're hardly alone.
"A slip of the tongue?
"Here are the key areas of body language, from head to toe, based off the work of Dr.
"Will 2015 be a happy new year for internet users?
Learn why stories are usually more effective than plain data when it comes to changing minds.
"We sabotage ourselves by underestimating the desire of our customers and potential customers to connect with our businesses online," says Katie Wagner (photo, left).
"We need new rules on when you should text, when you should call, when you should email," writes Nicholas Carlson (photo, left).
Lee Odden (photo, left) covers the topic.
"Knowledge seldom takes the place of experience.
The original video is no longer available, but this article provides helpful tips for proofing anything from school assignments to business reports.
The Writer's Center at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, features an article on the topic of writing clean, concise sentences.
According to Jeff Mann (photo, left), a Gartner research director, "The rapid adoption of smart devices, both in the workplace and outside, has raised expectations about accessibility and user experience in the workforce.
According to Carol Kinsey Goman (photo, left), "A long time before your performance proves them right or wrong, people will have made an emotional decision about whether to follow you, trust you, or even listen to you.
Dianne Gottsman (photo, left) advises, "As you set out 2014 with fresh goals and resolutions, don't overlook your social media profiles and activity.
Adele Cehrs covers the topic drawing upon lessons from Delta, Abercombie and Taco Bell.
"Interview questions like, "What's your biggest strength?
Carina Kolodny (photo, left) presents lots of tricks to help with your Google searches.