Excellence in Business Communication, 10th Edition
Chapter 8. Writing Routine and Positive Messages
Randy Krum presents a CopyBlogger.
"The second communication secret was summed up in Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back.
"Serial entrepreneur James Caan (photo, left) says in a recent LinkedIn post that he has seen thousands of resumes during the course of his career.
According to Harrison Monarth, "In a noisy world where personal branding is a professional imperative and where we constantly compete with equally qualified rivals for clients, jobs, promotions, assignments, or funding, not to mention admiration and affection, being just a little more interesting and memorable can be the deciding factor in our favor.
Erinn Bucklan discusses Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People.
Brian Solis discusses reputation management as covered in Andy Beal's book Repped, 30 Days to a Better Online Reputation.
According to M.
"The best advice I ever received was from a guy who came at me with scissors and cut off my tie.
"Even though plenty of consumers have discarded SMS in favor of WhatsApp and now Snapchat, Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project reports that texting is fast becoming the way consumers want to communicate.
According to Carrie Cousins (photo, left), "Text is not an afterthought in the design process.
Kevan Lee did some digging on the topic and came up with this.
"It’s not just the small companies and amateurs that make mistakes on social media.
Matt Johnston presents a short video on the topic.
"In recent years Facebook has been mocked for copying key aspects of Twitter: hashtags, @ tagging, lists and more.
"Have managers lost the ability to listen?
Erica Ho covers the topic in a piece at BusinessInsider.
"Some cognition experts have praised the effects of tech on the brain, lauding its ability to organize our lives and free our minds for deeper thinking.
When you heard that Malaysia Airlines texted loved ones of MH370's passengers that the passengers had likely perished in the South Indian Ocean, what was your reaction?
Richard A.
"From the smallest e-mail to the most expensive advertisement every piece of communication is an opportunity to form an impression in your customer’s mind.
"People want to hire, work with, promote and do business with others whom they know and like," says Barbara Pachter (photo, left).
"When you introduce a new person by email, you can spark great new relationships if you share more than name and contact information.
"Culled from Architizer's second annual A+ Awards, which are chosen by 300 experts and a popular vote, these are a handful of the most amazing office spaces in the world," writes Drake Baer in a piece at BusinessInsider.