Business Communication Essentials, 7th Ed.
Chapter 14. Applying and Interviewing for Employment
"In this super fun lesson, you'll learn 7 common conversational English phrasal verbs with examples from the popular TV series Friends! You will also meet Ethan from the Learn English with TV Series channel.
"Allison Shapira, CEO and Founder of Global Public Speaking LLC, discusses the subject of "uptalk" - when our voice rises at the end of a sentence and makes us sound like we're asking a question instead of making a statement.
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"WSJ's Joanna Stern "bumps into" Steph Korey [photo, left] in the elevator and asks about the luggage company's push into physical retail, her advice for raising capital and her travel habits.
"If you really want to sound more natural and native in your spoken English you have to use contractions.
"Most of us have stumbled when saying an unfamiliar name.
"When should you pronounce the H and when should it be silent?
"A job interview is one of the most stressful and high-pressure situations you experience in your working life.
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"The TED speaker and podcast host shares 4 items from his to-don’t list — stuff he’s shed from his life to make him a happier and more effective human.
"Don’t even think about leaving the house without the company’s address loaded into Google or Apple maps—where you can also get live traffic updates—or jotted down in your phone’s notepad.
"In this lesson you will learn everything you need to know about pronouncing the /æ/, AA as in BLACK vowel in American English.
"Much attention is being given to the increasing number of employees who are quitting their jobs without providing their employers with notice.
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"How to prepare for any speaking opportunity in English so it'll set you up for success (and not failure).
Only One Business Communication Textbook Covers Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Technologies
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"Why is it SO HARD to understand native speakers?
"Do you like curly fries?
"Available talent is scarce these days.
"Sometimes it's hard to know what statistics are worthy of trust.
"In this American English Pronunciation quick tip lesson you'll learn all about an easier way to say these tricky consonant combinations.
"Think you've been asked some tricky job interview questions?
"In a talk that's part history lesson, part love letter to graphics, information designer Tommy McCall traces the centuries-long evolution of charts and diagrams -- and shows how complex data can be sculpted into beautiful shapes.
"Why do so many companies make bad decisions, even with access to unprecedented amounts of data?
"Do you feel exhausted after speaking in English?