Excellence in Business Communication, 11th Edition
Chapter 10. Writing Persuasive Messages
"In honor of National Etiquette Week and our just-published list of the 45 best restaurants in America, we decided to clear up some common etiquette questions," writes Megan Willett.
Beth Monaghan weighs in.
"I hate to admit it, but people annoy me pretty regularly," admits Karen Eller in a piece at DumbLittleMan.
See Damon Nofar's slideshow - 8 Tips for an Awesome PowerPoint Presentation - at BusinessInsider.
The material associated with this item is no longer available, but we invite you to read Jason Nazar's article in Forbes on the same topic, "The 21 Principles of Persuasion.
"We sabotage ourselves by underestimating the desire of our customers and potential customers to connect with our businesses online," says Katie Wagner (photo, left).
Take this quiz to see if you have the knowledge to travel like a pro.
Haiku Deck gives their picks for "Decks of the Year.
"Public speaking is hard enough without shooting yourself in the foot with simple mistakes.
"We sabotage ourselves by underestimating the desire of our customers and potential customers to connect with our businesses online," says Katie Wagner (photo, left).
Ben Schott (photo, left) presents his ten words.
Only one author team is writing about mobile business communication: Bovee and Thill.
According to Jeff Haden (photo, left), "Perspective is a funny thing.
"If you want your big dream bad enough, read these 5 short stories.
"Some studies say you've only got 15 seconds to grab an audience's attention, while others say it's closer to a minute," writes Richard Feloni of BusinessInsider.
David Lazarus (photo, left), business columnist with the LA Times, reports.
"Launching a product is hard to do," says Drake Baer of BusinessInsider.
John Brandon has mastered his email inbox but "there's one thing [he's] mastered even more than that: spotting a lack of confidence.
On Point, with Tom Ashbrook, covers the topic of "verbal tics" (“I’m just saying.
According to Richard Feloni, "Once you finish your written speech or PowerPoint slides, you're only halfway done preparing a great presentation.
Take a look at this infographic at elearninginfographics.
"This article looks at strategies you can use to ensure that your use of email is clear, effective, and successful.
According to Melia Robinson (photo, left), "It's the cheapest, most low-tech life hack you'll find.
Jeff Haden presents each tip and a link to the appropriate TED talk including one by Malcolm Gladwell.