Excellence in Business Communication, 11th Edition
Chapter 10. Writing Persuasive Messages
"Pronunciation is the ugly sister of language teaching, coming way behind vocabulary and grammar.
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"You’ve succeeded in getting a social media strategy in place, you’re sharing amazing, relevant content – and then WHAM! Someone posts a negative comment, and you feel like all of the wind has been let out of your sails.
"Sweaty palms.
In both the business environment and in personal life it is essential to know how to get what you want — and get people to say yes to your requests.
What role should persuasive arguing play, if any, in negotiations?
I've just deleted a rather abstract introduction I wrote to this article about truth.
Interested in including some humor in your next public speech.
"We've all heard of or experienced ourselves the mental or physical brain freeze that's often described as "choking" under pressure.
An overview to social networking sites & their usage for job search.
This “periodic table of visualization methods” shows dozens of ways to display data, information, concepts, strategies, and more.
Find real-life salary ranges for a wide range of jobs.
Here are the sevev benefits that drive human behavior and will you help write more persuasive messages.
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This entertaining animated video explains how to use the science of persuasion in six effective and ethical ways.