Excellence in Business Communication, 11th Edition
Chapter 10. Writing Persuasive Messages
"In Alec Ross’s new book, The Industries of the Future, he takes a deep dive into the specific fields he believes will shape our economic future, including robotics and the codification of just about everything.
"Wharton management professor Peter Cappelli [photo, left] has spent decades studying the complicated dynamics of employment.
"Wharton's Mary-Hunter McDonnell discusses her research on social activism and corporate political clout.
"The thought of speaking up when you weren't expecting to contribute to the conversation is terrifying," declares Stacey Gawronski (photo, left).
"Maybe you’ve scored that prized interview you’ve been after for some time, or maybe your CEO chose you to deliver a presentation, or maybe you have a big networking event—whatever the case, you’re obviously excited, but you’re also really nervous.
"People need to be inspired, and they will only feel inspired if their leader is positively disposed — and joyful.
"No approach or technique can guarantee persuasion success, but there are ways to determine if you are, indeed, made to persuade," writes Mark Rodgers (photo, left) at his blog - PersuasionMatters.
"The Happiness Equation author and 1000 Awesome Things creator Neil Pasricha [photo, left] came by to talk about criticism.
Drake Baer reports.
"Tal Ben-Shahar [photo, left] taught the most popular class at Harvard University — and it was all about happiness.
"Just about every industry is undergoing some level of digital disruption, and the transformation is only in its infancy, according to McKinsey Digital global leader Paul Willmott, and Jay Scanlan, leader of McKinsey’s Digital Strategy Practice.
"A lot of career advice is built around slogans like “follow your heart” or “follow your passion.
" University of Illinois study found that people who earn the most (more than $10 million annually) are only a smidge happier than the average Joes and Janes who work for them.
"Many of us dream of being magically persuasive, to be able to enlist our co-worker to help us, our team member to support us, and our partner to listen to us," says Lolly Daskal of Inc.
"College can be an overwhelming and intimidating experience for even the best student.
See how the equilibrium point represents a balance between supply and demand.
The material associated with this item is no longer available, but we invite you to read Jason Nazar's article in Forbes on the same topic, "The 21 Principles of Persuasion.
"McKinsey Global Institute director Jonathan Woetzel (photo, left) and MGI senior fellow Anu Madgavkar discuss the economic and ethical reasons why gender equality is a worthy goal.
"Raymond Sheen, president of Product and Process Innovation, Inc.
"The fifth anniversary of the Dodd-Frank legislation is an opportune time to resume the debate on whether it has achieved or failed to meet its goal of overhauling U.
"In this article you’ll discover how to analyze your competitors’ social accounts to inspire new marketing ideas.
Drake Baer thinks emoji are getting a bad rap.
See Dan Rockwell's 10 ways.
"Here are some ideas for making Instagram work for your business, no matter the industry.