Excellence in Business Communication, 10th Edition
Chapter 8. Writing Routine and Positive Messages
"Thinking too much isn't just a nuisance.
"In the military, a poorly formatted email may be the difference between mission accomplished and mission failure.
"Sending and receiving a follow-up email can be annoying.
"I’m starting to think we’ve hit "peak subscription box," declares Sarah Halzack (photo, left).
"A classic introvert preference is aversion to meetings.
"Whether you know it or not, our bodies have a specifically set programming schedule for the best time of day to concentrate, spark new ideas, and experience peak performance.
According to Michael Hyatt (photo, left), "Most of us try to increase productivity by doing more things faster.
"Though business communication may not always be perfectly executed, the "What happened?
"Machine learning is on the verge of seriously impacting workplace communications.
"I’ve read a lot of cover letters in my career — thousands of them, maybe even tens of thousands.
"Niceness wasn’t part of the equation.
"Communication is the most important skill we possess as a species and it is about to be radically improved by the use of artificial intelligence.
Susan Fowler weighs in on the topic at SmartBrief.
"Most leaders consider time their most important resource.
"When it comes to digital infrastructure and the relationship we have with it, it feels as if we’re at an important crossroads right now.
"An infographic allows freelancers, businesses and all sorts of organizations to portray information in a visual, easily digestible manner.
"This is the letter to write when you don’t get the job.
"My career fantasies," writes Erin McDermott Peterson, "consisted of me getting to just focus on recruiting all day—finding and interviewing people, making offers, and convincing them this was the right opportunity for them.
"Any time we interview someone, we wait to see whether they’ll write a thank you note or not.
"Keeping up with social media seems like an impossible task some days.
"Great results are more than half the battle.
According to Laura Cox (photo, left), "Augmented Reality (AR) dwelled quietly in the shadow of VR until earlier this year, when a certain app propelled it into the mainstream.
"In a world full of digital diversions, how are some people able to achieve a higher level of productivity than others?