Excellence in Business Communication, 10th Edition
Chapter 8. Writing Routine and Positive Messages
Learn from the mistakes made in these recent corporate crises.
The evolution of game-changing technologies is leveling the playing field in many industries.
Find out why a big competitor’s unhappy customers can be a small company’s best sales prospects.
Explore the correlation between diversity and financial performance.
The Pew Research Center explores a wide range of social and demographic trends.
The Toyota Production System has been one of the most influential developments in the history of business.
The potential benefits of team-based collaboration are undeniable, but some experts worry that companies are going overboard and overloading the employees they need the most.
These 21 tips can help any virtual team overcome the inherent limitations of long-distance collaboration.
Organizational strategies designed to optimize control and predictability are losing their value to companies in fast-moving markets.
The Harvard Business Review offers an extensive library of articles on all aspects of decision-making.
Forecasting too often succumbs to irrational optimism in which projected sales magically bend upward like a hockey stick.
See the strong correlation between a company’s “health” (basically, how well it does all the things you’re learning in this course) and its long-term performance.
Most executives say the pressure to generate short-term financial results is increasing.
"The holiday season is a hectic and crucial time for all retailers, not to mention a chaotic, trying time for retail workers who have to deal with Black Friday stampedes or ramped-up online orders in the run-up to Christmas.
"2019 will see an increase in technology-driven organizations, as more businesses embark on the digital transformation journey.
When you hear the word advertising, what comes to mind?
We did research on future trends in the financial industry and hopefully a year from now these trends will stay and inspire more improvements in how we deal with money.
It’s not hard to see why people aren’t saving more money, but the data on personal savings is still more than a little shocking.
"The global banking sector is becoming both more strategically focused and technologically advanced to respond to consumer expectations while trying to defend market share against an increasing array of competitors.
"If you’re wondering if we’ll see a financial shake-up in 2019, the answer is yes—at least when it comes to digital transformation.
A decade after the global banking crisis 2019 looks like it could be a year of tipping points in the evolution of the industry.
See what works best for posts on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Twitter.
Knowing the basics of type usage will help you create more effective page and screen layouts.
Follow these typeface tips from professional graphic designers.
Understand why it can be so difficult to view any topic from the reader’s point of view.