Excellence in Business Communication, 10th Edition
Chapter 8. Writing Routine and Positive Messages
"If you’re an entrepreneur, you likely have a role model you carry around in your head as you go about building your business.
"To deal with toxic people effectively, you need an approach that enables you, across the board, to control what you can and eliminate what you can’t.
"Allen's books are bestsellers.
We check in again with financial blogger J.
As 2018 enters its last two months, take a look at this 2018 social media report to see how it's held up.
"My point is that your role isn’t necessarily meant to be a 24/7 enjoyable experience—that’s why you get a paycheck for doing it.
Rachel Premack spends the day riding with Miguel Santiago.
"Whatever your definition of success (each person’s definition of “success” is and should be different), one thing is true for everyone: Success means getting things done," writes Jeff Haden (photo, left) in an article featured at TheMuse.
Richard Feloni covers the work of Dr.
"Fantastic resume submitted.
The folks at Enago Academy cover the topic.
"The vast majority of evidence suggests that our smartphones are not uniformly harmful, and in some cases, they may be a force for good.
"Check out how your place in the high school ecosystem is likely affecting you today.
"Every webpage you visit, your online purchases, the songs you listen to on the internet, pages you follow on Facebook or any likes you leave under posts on social media create your digital footprint, which is a gold mine of information about you, information that can be used to influence your behavior.
"Like it or not, change is happening within the market research industry.
"Having a cluttered desk or inappropriate items in your workspace could be making a bad impression on your colleagues or employers.
"Nobody wants to wait days, or sometimes even weeks, to find out if the hiring manager was impressed by them in the interview.
"For a company in Chesterfield, Mo.
"Tom Peters [photo, left] reflects on a half-century spent studying management.
Is the Quest for Perfection Actually Hurting Your Progress? Four Ways to Keep Perfectionism in Check
"Avoiding opportunities, falling behind, and overworking are just some of the very real consequences of perfectionism.
"What the heck is SCHWA?
"Mobile technology continues to move forward at a rapid pace, but it’s “guise” as an actual device users carry will begin to change.
"When I was in my late 20s, my boss and I used to have epic lunches where we'd chat about life.
"Let’s be honest.
"Actually, it’s not just managers that don’t listen – it’s also employees, husbands, wives, kids, students, teachers, and just about human being with two ears.