Excellence in Business Communication, 10th Edition
Chapter 8. Writing Routine and Positive Messages
"The smart choice for a worker may be at odds with what's good for everyone else, says a new report suggesting ways to bridge the gap.
"If you’re like me and spend most of your day in an office, you probably think it’s impossible to practice healthy habits on the reg.
"Most startups toil away in stealth mode on new products and services with an Apple-esque fear of news leaks," begins Haje Jan Kamps (photo, left) in a piece at TechCrunch.
"Most things in life that are worth it are difficult to achieve.
"Last week my manager "Grace" walked up to my desk out of the blue and asked me, 'Are you job-hunting?
"When it comes to landing your dream role, honesty is the best policy.
"Last year, Dido Harding [photo, left] found herself having to deal with one of Britain’s worst ever cyber attacks.
According to Alice Boyes, Ph.
"The most productive people think about output deliberately, and then keep switching up their tactics to get the best results.
According to Shaban Arora (photo, left), "Marketers today base their strategies on research, trends and past experience.
"Google announced that it will be punishing sites that have intrusive popups or interstitials on mobile starting from January 10, 2017.
Shana Lebowitz relates the story of how Doug Conant (photo, left), former CEO of Campbell Soup Company, continually reached out to employees and what it inspired.
"We live in a world of instant information, where ideas go viral without much thought regarding accuracy and validity.
"Pinterest is becoming an increasingly attractive option for businesses when interacting with customers online.
"There are a lot of reasons why people lose their jobs.
"I’m on a quest to find some powerful apps that will allow me to build a positive savings habit.
Skip Prichard (photo, left) discusses the work of Ken Marlin.
"Whether it is pinning a desired wedding dress or ideas for decorating a new home, Pinterest is the destination where people plan their futures.
"Starting a business is exciting, and when you're laying the groundwork for a new venture while you're still working full time, that excitement can make the wait unbearable.
"New research finds that tales from the C-suite have a negative impact on employee values, but those from their peers are another story.
See the breakdown of a study by LeanIn.
"People are constantly asking me what they can do to make their leadership exceptional.
"Entrepreneurs (and novice marketers) often assume that customers are always looking for the best value and make decisions to buy based upon finding the best possible price.
"Here is my list of the most common mistakes retailers make, and my hope is someone, even one person reads this, and says, 'this won't happen to me!'"
"Introverts and extraverts work differently and the environment they work in can ultimately affect their productivity.