Excellence in Business Communication, 11th Edition
Chapter 10. Writing Persuasive Messages
"Realizing you’re in the wrong career can be a tough pill to swallow," writes Katie Douthwaite Wolf (photo, left).
"So, here are three reasons you might be neglecting that date you circled on the calendar, as well as some suggestions for giving yourself a kick in the pants and tackling those pesky projects once and for all!"
Author bio - Kat Boogaard is a writer for The Muse and the Career Editor for The Everygirl.
"While it can be difficult to break this habit, it isn’t impossible.
"How do you make sure you’re crafting something remarkable?
"Fortunately, eloquence is a skill that can be taught, practiced, and mastered.
"Associate Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan recently sat down with lawyer and lexicographer Bryan Garner to give advice on what it takes to be a good legal writer.
In discussing a 2014 handling of rejection emails sent to applicants to John Hopkins University Lynn Gaertner-Johnston writes the following:
"In his excellent book On Apology, Dr.
"Here are some of the things that psychologists and social science researchers have found that have the power to lift your spirits and keep them high.
"What are the rules of data visualization, a practice that draws on research into cognitive theory, graphical perception, statistics and journalism?
"It used to be (back before the Internet, smartphones and social media) that if you wanted or needed to speak to a client, you picked up the phone – or you sent her a letter.
According to John Brandon (photo, left), "One minute can make the difference between your getting fired, infuriating an investor, ticking off every employee in your company, or breaking up a relationship and your impressing a client or business partner and avoiding looking foolish (or worse).
"Check out these 17 icebreakers that will help ease you into an engaging conversation with people you've never met before.
Rebecca Greenfield reports.
"What’s the true power of written communication to customers?
Carolyn Gregoire (photo, left) checks in with author Nicholas Carr.
Laura McMullen shares the advice of Patrick Lencioni (photo, left).
"You probably already have a resume, and you probably already know you’re supposed to write a cover letter," begins Lily Zhang (photo, left) in a piece at TheMuse.
"A single word can be the difference between success and failure of email marketing campaigns.
"What Lord of the Rings can teach us about leading meetings that don't make you want to jump out the nearest window: .
Barbara Roche (photo, left) reports.
"Public speaking means – for most people – stress and a sudden flurry of decision-making under stress.
"Writing is a skill of minimalism.
James A.
According to Alison Green, "Job seekers tend to overanalyze everything that happens during the hiring process – from how long it takes a company to respond to their application to how friendly the person calling to schedule an interview sounds.
Chris Weller defines the "rule of three" and explains why it isn't what it is cracked up to be.