Excellence in Business Communication, 11th Edition
Chapter 10. Writing Persuasive Messages
Drake Baer thinks emoji are getting a bad rap.
"The English language is a voracious eater, consuming words and digesting them into whole new things.
According to Marla Tabaka (photo, left), "Meetings are the most dreaded part of office life.
"Who produces better work--slow creators or prolific ones?
"Start by writing short, declarative sentences.
According to Lolly Daskal (photo, left), "The best way to invite good new things into your life is to make room for them.
"When you are on the job hunt, time is of the essence.
Cheryl Conner (photo, left) offers assistance.
"Finding yourself in a new situation can make you feel uncomfortable, no matter how normally confident you are.
"Some call it writer’s block, others just chalk it up to a lack of inspiration.
Jacquelyn Smith reports.
Sally Herships (photo, left) explains.
"Humans are notoriously poor lie detectors.
"With all the communication tools at our fingertips today, you think it would be easy to get your point across.
"You stand up, shake the interviewer’s hand, and head home happy that you nailed the interview.
"Subject lines are EVERYTHING, and they simply MUST include a benefit to the reader.
"As it turns out, your behavior and habits at work not only affect how your colleagues perceive you — but also your ability to achieve success," writes Hope Restle (photo, left) in a piece at BusinessInsider.
According to Hope Restle (photo, left) and Jacquelyn Smith, "No résumé is 100% flawless.
According to Virginia Postrel (photo, left), "If you want good applicants to respond to your job posting, write it as if you were talking to actual human beings.
"I know, I know, your manager can be the worst.
"As a productivity enthusiast, I’ve been searching long and hard for that one activity that, once mastered, would make me better at everything else I do.
"A breakdown of when to email, when to pick up the phone and how to manage your inbox.
"A dictionary needn’t include every passing bit of slang that sprouts in the morning and withers in the afternoon, of course.
"Carpenters work with wood.