Excellence in Business Communication, 11th Edition
Chapter 10. Writing Persuasive Messages
Jo Eismont covers the topic at TheMuse.
"Do you feel uncomfortable asking for more?
"Successful businesses are often built on good people, so finding and choosing the good ones will determine your success more than anything else you do.
"Every office has one.
"If you are about to walk down some new, perhaps unpaved roads on your career journey only one thing is certain: uncertainty.
"Workers are constantly on-the-go and, as such, mobility has become a key factor affecting today’s workplace.
Jessica Stillman shares a suggestion from author Gretchen Rubin (photo, left).
"In partnership with Statista.
"While we can't always predict it, experts have identified some factors that are likely to contribute to burnout: .
According to Chad Brooks (photo, left), "Gone are the days when most college students longed for jobs they were passionate about.
"It was the kind of email that makes your shoulders clench up tight, right by your ears," begins Alexandra Franzen (photo, left) in a piece at TheMuse.
"This infographic provides step-by-step interview tips for both the interviewee and the interviewer.
"You work with them, you live with them, heck, in many cases you love them, but the people closest to us can still cause a lot of problems," writes Eric Barker, owner of Barking Up the Wrong Tree.
Is it "first-come, first-serve," or "first-come, first-served?
"How often do you have a conversation with your team that consists of something other than what’s being done, what needs to get done, and what they didn’t do?
"Probably the most important reason to respond to comments—both negative and positive—is that everyone else is reading them.
"I'm an average guy trying to become better in both my work and home life.
"You’ve probably heard it before: On average, hiring managers will only spend six seconds looking at your application.
"The body speaks volumes," declares Kathleen Elkins (photo, left) and Mike Nudelman.
Laszlo Bock (photo, left) writes, "But if you’re a job seeker (and who isn’t?
"I spent the past month doing something most people dread: networking," says Rachel Gillett (photo, left).