Excellence in Business Communication, 11th Edition
Chapter 10. Writing Persuasive Messages
"I recently read about how to respond to stupid interview questions and thought, but 'Why do you get asked stupid questions in the first place?
Jason Fried (photo, left) explains the difference.
Staples presents 7 reasons why you should be using email in your marketing.
"Follow these steps to land your dream job: .
"I see it often: Businesses hire a blogger, or rely on an existing employee to spearhead their content strategy.
"Email etiquette is tricky.
According to Jeff Haden, "If your LinkedIn profile reads more like a resume, you're making a huge mistake -- especially if you're hoping to land new customers.
"We complain about the digitalization of communication, yet it seems like this is the future.
"Your body language speaks volumes about your mood and attitude.
"When we speak, we have about 60 seconds to capture our audience's attention, establish credibility, orient them to our topic, and motivate them to listen, says Darlene Price, president of Well Said, Inc.
According to Erinn Bucklan, "Mental burnout, coined in the 1970s to describe the psychological effects of relentless work stress, happens so subtly that you can easily confuse the symptoms for other negative forces, like a bad cold or a bad boss.
Chris Weller (photo, left) reports on the topic with an assist from the ideas of Steven Pinker, author of The Sense of Style.
"'I think a lot of people face this problem at work," says [Lynn] Taylor.
According to Krista Bourne (photo, left), "When we are forced or voluntarily move out of our comfort zone we are required to build on our previous experiences to thrive through unfamiliar territory.
"I am continuously fascinated by what comes out of people's mouths in the workplace.
"No one wants to be that offensive, insensitive tourist," declares Sarah Schmalbruch (photo, left).
According to James Altucher (photo, left), "We have to learn the basic tenets of communication so that in this world where we receive up to 20,000 messages a day in all of its varieties, our communications can rise to the top.
"Increasingly we are expected to always be "on"—responding to emails and texts outside of business hours.
"Savvy hiring managers can glean a ton of information about you by asking just a few, well-chosen questions.
"Stay on track to a successful career by following these six rules for keeping your work life drama-free.
According to Don Goodman (photo, left), "Today’s job applicants have a major challenge – finding the right balance for their resume.
"Even your best ideas mean nothing if no one listens to you.
"Over the past decade, marketers have increasingly turned to social-media networks like Facebook and Twitter to create buzz around their products.
"Japan is known for its complex rules for social behavior.