Excellence in Business Communication, 11th Edition
Chapter 10. Writing Persuasive Messages
"Most internet users would like to be anonymous online at least occasionally, but many think it is not possible to be completely anonymous online.
"Many people will listen to what I just said and say, “It’s time to kill the presentation.
"Watch this video to find out how the fast-paced growth in mobility is shaping businesses and enterprise mobility, and what a robust strategy can do to ensure success for the future of your organisation.
"Have you ever met someone whose personal story just blew you away?
Lynn Gaertner-Johnston (photo, left) gives us "a perfect way to show someone you care.
"A Pentagon research team is studying the body language of Russian President Vladimir Putin and other foreign leaders to better predict their behaviour .
Skip Weisman (photo, left) discusses sarcasm and workplace communication in a piece at Personal Branding Blog.
"We sabotage ourselves by underestimating the desire of our customers and potential customers to connect with our businesses online," says Katie Wagner (photo, left).
"What do we need to do to get better?
"There's a lot of resume advice out there—and some of it conflicting.
"Happens to everyone.
"As all entrepreneurs discover sooner or later, it takes more than sound business acumen to bring an idea, no matter how novel, to life.
"Please note that, in our language of English, attention is paid because attention is a valuable currency.
"The changing nature of résumés, use of applicant tracking systems, LinkedIn and other social media sites, Skype video conferencing, big data applications and more are all impacting the way employers and hope-to-be-employees find, communicate and interact with each other," writes Arnie Fertig in his introduction of a post at USNews.
"Thirty years after the first wave of virtual reality, new startups are determined to take it mainstream.
James Clear (photo, left) takes an in-depth look at how long it takes to form a new habit.
"I said goodbye to my mouse last month.
"Everyday, each and every one of us interacts with the Cloud in some way.
"I took many writing classes in college but perhaps the most useful was one focused on business writing.
"I enjoy coaching people with their blogging efforts and there are 10 pieces of advice I seem to dispense the most often.
Paul Maccabee (photo, left) is the President of Maccabee Public Relations.
"This assessment of your skills at using PowerPoint will help you understand what skills you need to learn in order to be a more proficient user of PowerPoint for your presentations.