Excellence in Business Communication, 11th Edition
Chapter 10. Writing Persuasive Messages
"Financial stability can put you on the right path.
"Educator and entrepreneur Sebastian Thrun [photo, left] wants us to use AI to free humanity of repetitive work and unleash our creativity.
"Need to land on a decision that works for everyone?
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos and Brother Mark Give a Rare Interview about Growing Up and Secrets to Success
"In this first-of-its-kind conversation, the Bezos brothers discuss their early influences, habits for success, and predictions for the future.
"What's the secret to making content people love?
Uri Hasson (photo, left) presents.
"This [past] fall, Nordstrom opened a new store in West Hollywood, Calif.
"This is an interesting tactic from the retailer, and one that makes a lot of sense from a behavioral perspective.
"Getting out of debt can feel overwhelming.
"What negotiators don’t do, but should, says [Douglas] Stone [photo, left], is mentally prepare by reviewing five fundamental elements of a negotiation.
"Life has a nasty habit of interrupting the best-laid plans, but more often than not, it’s our own minds that get in the way of our goals.
"Do you sometimes have your most creative ideas while folding laundry, washing dishes or doing nothing in particular?
"Presenting information to a crowd is an art form.
"Artist Kate Hartman uses wearable electronics to explore how we communicate, with ourselves and with the world.
"Over the years, I’ve identified a set of common emotional drivers that suck the power out of communication.
"Being the new person is never easy.
"If you’ve got a presentation to give at work or school — or are perhaps getting ready to speak at a TEDx event?
"From the "I have a dream" speech to Steve Jobs' iPhone launch, many great talks have a common structure that helps their message resonate with listeners.
"Talks on the importance of listening, and how to do it much better.
"These talks reveal that some things are more within your grasp than you may think, especially if you ask.
"TED Talks for when you want to get up and act -- now.
"Career analyst Dan Pink [photo, left] examines the puzzle of motivation, starting with a fact that social scientists know but most managers don't: Traditional rewards aren't always as effective as we think.
"It goes without saying that my new book, Reply All…And Other Ways to Tank Your Career was inspired by email faux pas.
"How much does the pace of speech matter in diplomatic speaking?