Excellence in Business Communication, 11th Edition
Chapter 10. Writing Persuasive Messages
In this video Tony Robbins discusses the topic of rapport.
"Carmine Gallo shares the three simple secrets all inspiring messages share, and how inspiring executives and entrepreneurs tell their brand or product story in a way that's understandable, memorable and emotional.
"Thanks to advances in neuroscience, brain scans, and data-driven studies, we've learned more about persuasion in the past decade than we had ever known previously.
"There are thousands of different websites that you can leverage to build your own personal brand, but only a few that will give you both the reach and credibility to make a major impact.
"'Shark Tank' investor Barbara Corcoran has met a lot of people in business.
"How do creative people come up with great ideas?
"How do creative people come up with great ideas?
"Negotiation is problem solving.
"Can we break bad habits by being more curious about them?
"With the onslaught of emails we receive every day, it's hard to imagine how anyone could keep up professional email habits at all times.
"This presentation will show the truths and lies of body language deception.
"When people think of advocating for their ideas, they think of convincing arguments based on data, facts, and figures.
"Do you ever find yourself in awkward social situations?
"This animated video describes the six universal Principles of Persuasion that have been scientifically proven to make you most effective as reported in Dr.
"Storytelling is an essential leadership skill.
"Career expert and Growth Lab CEO Ramit Sethi [photo, left] shares an easy way to test your business ideas with your friends to see if your idea is something people want.
"Researchers highlighted some key indicators such as bad grammar, spelling and punctuation in posts by trolls.
"Communication, language and style matter in all areas of life.
Here is a YouTube video presented by the Stanford Graduate School of Business on the topic of "how to conduct interviews.
"In the early '90s, anthropologist Robin Dunbar [photo, left] proposed that a human being has the capacity to have up to 150 meaningful relationships.
"Neuroscientists talk about how we have one brain but two minds.
"Stanford GSB Professor Jennifer Aaker [photo, left] discusses the importance of stories, and how they can be used as a tool to persuade and shape how others see you.
"Have you ever felt like you're talking, but nobody is listening?