Excellence in Business Communication, 11th Edition
Chapter 10. Writing Persuasive Messages
"Want to win friends and influence people?
Stephanie Walden discusses customer relationship marketing (CRM) in a piece at Mashable.
"At some point I mentioned to everyone that I am very introverted and used to have a huge fear of public speaking.
According to Naomi Garnice (photo, left) of the Daily Muse, "Considering that email is the primary form of communication in most offices, we don't always choose our written words as wisely as we should.
Christian Ryan Jyoti (photo, left) covers the topic for FastCompany.
"There are about 11 million meetings taking place in America every day, and a third of them are unproductive.
"Forget distinguishing the salad fork from the dinner fork.
"There are hundred of apps that claim to "increase productivity" and "optimize company workflow," but how many apps actually do?
"Each of the wordy phrases below can be replaced by one word.
"Even for those who are "in the know" about the benefits of Plus, many have difficulty learning how to use Plus effectively.
"It’s hardly an overstatement that social media has taken over our personal lives," writes Chris Riback in a piece at TheWeek.
"I hate negotiating.
Suzanne Lucas (photo, left) presents the results of a new survey by CareerBuilder.
Jerry Saltz covers the topic at Vulture.
Jenny Foss (photo, left) writes about what job search tactics people should not use.
"Fundamentally, poor business writing is costly and leads to disastrous events.
"How do you walk into a room, out of a meeting, or onto a stage?
Hagan Blount introduces the topic and presents the infographic at TheMuse.
"Professionals of any level and in any industry can benefit from having their own site, and if you set it up right and maintain it, you can get it to the top of the search results page," writes Richard Feloni in a piece featured at BusinessInsider.
According to Julien Rio, "Managing a brand page on Facebook isn't an easy task.
"As I’ve learned, four years into the game [of self-employment], it doesn’t matter if you’ve got one boss in the corner office or 1,000 online customers—occasionally, a project you really don’t want to deal with is going to plop into your inbox.
Catherine Rampell (photo, left) is an economics reporter at The New York Times.
"As much buzz as the Facebook/Whatsapp deal generated it only served to crystallize our attention around what is a much larger, more prescient issue - we now live in the Age of Mobile.
According to Kent Anderson, "I’m a fan of PowerPoint.